Unfortunate chain of events during some testing conducted by my colleague led to a full folder in my outlook. When I say full I mean ~7M emails generated during test that lasted a couple of minutes.
Python to the rescue (outlook needs to run during this operation)...
Python to the rescue (outlook needs to run during this operation)...
import win32com.client outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI") inbox = outlook.Folders["testnotifications"].Folders["Inbox"] messages = inbox.Items for message in messages: print("Deleting a message %s" % message.Subject ) message.Delete() deleted = outlook.Folders["testnotifications"].Folders["Deleted Items"] while True: message = deleted.Items.GetLast() print("Deleting a message %s" % message.Subject) message.Delete() print("Done")
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